The 10 best healthy foods for dinner time

8. Papaya: Why is it good for our health?


Papaya is a tropical fruit that should be part of our regular diet. Discover all its properties and benefits below.

Papaya properties

As previously mentioned, papaya is a tropical fruit native to Mexico. However, its cultivation has spread throughout Central America and northern South America. As well as in Australia, Hawaii and South Africa.

It has a sweet taste and is composed of flavonoids and lycopene, which have antioxidant properties. Likewise, it contains vitamin A, C, E, K and B complex vitamins. As well as lutein and zeaxanthin.

In addition, it is rich in minerals such as potassium, calcium, magnesium and phosphorus. It is also a source of fiber and contains an enzyme called papain that helps the body digest proteins.


Because of its nutrient content, papaya is an excellent choice to include in our diet. Among its health benefits, we find that it favors digestive processes due to its papain content and its fiber content. 

The fiber it contains also prevents constipation, increases the feeling of satiety for longer and can prevent colon cancer. Its caloric intake is low, so it can be included in the diet without producing significant weight gain.

On the other hand, the beta-carotene, lutein and zeaxanthin content favors visual health and prevents macular degeneration. Similarly, the antioxidants it contains prevent premature aging, promote cardiovascular health, lower levels of “bad” cholesterol in the blood and prevent certain types of cancer.

In the same way, the nutrients contained in papaya strengthen the immune system and, due to its anti-inflammatory action, prevent arthritis and other diseases associated with chronic inflammation. It acts as a natural diuretic and prevents fluid retention.

How to eat it

It is recommended to eat fresh fruit alone or in salads. Juices can be prepared in combination with lemon or other fruits. It is not recommended to add sugar or other sweeteners. If you are a person with latex allergy, consult your doctor before eating or drinking it, since you could also be allergic to papaya.