The Most Dangerous (And Expensive) Airports Ever Built

88. Seattle–Tacoma International Airport – Washington, USA

Year of construction: 1944
Risk factors: 34% increase in safety incidents at the airfield

The Seattle-Tacoma Airport, also known as Sea-Tac, has seen a recent rise in airfield incidents. Because of new airlines, more flights, and more passengers, as well as more baggage and food trucks around the airfield, there have been higher numbers of safety incidents in the airfield at Sea-Tac.

Seattle–Tacoma International Airport, Washington, USA ©Timo Breidenstein /

Seattle–Tacoma International Airport, Washington, USA ©Timo Breidenstein /

The increase in safety incidents is 34%. 84 of those are “major airfield incidents,” a new category of accident that denotes a problem where someone goes to the hospital or there is $1,000 worth of damage caused to a ground vehicle or plane. In 2019 alone, two baggage handlers suffered broken legs as the result of crushing incidents.