The Most Dangerous (And Expensive) Airports Ever Built

91. Miami International Airport – Florida, USA

Year of construction: 1928
Risk factors: Fault wiring, automatic shutdown disabled

Travel and Leisure listed Miami International as the sixth-most-dangerous airport in the country, as far as runway safety goes. In March of 2021, the mayor of Miami-Dad, Danielle Levine Cava, spoke about the local channel ten news’ investigation into safety concerns at the airport.

Miami International Airport, Florida, USA @bingteam /

Miami International Airport, Florida, USA @bingteam /

Cava insisted there were no safety incidents to worry about, but that was contradicted by Luis Colon, a former elevator inspector who, along with other county inspectors, found faulty wiring at the airport. According to Colon, there were a dozen “jumpers,” which is wiring that has been purposefully designed to disable safety mechanisms, such as automatic shutdowns, in the event of an issue.