The most effective time management methods to be more productive.


Time Management: The Ivy Lee Method

This is possibly the most effective time management and productivity method you could use. The Ivy Lee method was developed by Ivy Lee who, in 1918, was asked by Charles M. Schwab, chairman and CEO of Bethlehem Steel, to create a way to improve the productivity of his top managers.

Ivy Lee told each manager to write down the six most important tasks they should do the next day in order of priority on a sheet of paper and leave it on their desk ready for the next day. When they arrived the next morning, they started working on the first task and, once completed, crossed it off and started on the next one.

If you can’t complete all six, the tasks you don’t complete should be carried over to the next day and the process repeated with another set of six tasks. What the Ivy Lee Method does is get you to focus on what’s important. With only six tasks available, you won’t put low-value tasks on your list.

Today, with all the digital tools available, this is a simple way to stay focused on critical things. For example, you can use a calendar, a notes app or a dedicated task manager to write your list of six.

Time blocking

Time blocking is a time management method where you block out time on your calendar to do focused work. It is another very effective way to manage the activities you do each day.

What time blocking does is show you exactly how much time you have available to do the work that matters. The only way you will be able to do the work that matters is if you have the time to do it. That’s why it works so well.

To make sure time blocking works, you must treat each time block as a confirmed appointment. If you don’t, then you won’t respect the time you have booked and the process of blocking time out will be meaningless.