The most effective time management methods to be more productive.


Time management: Pomodoro Technique

The Pomodoro Technique is where you set a timer for 25 minutes and work focused and uninterrupted for those twenty-five minutes. Then, once the alarm goes off, you take a five-minute break and set the alarm for another twenty-five minutes of concentrated work.

The Pomodoro Technique is an excellent method for people who struggle to concentrate on one thing at a time and are easily distracted. At the end of the twenty-five minutes, you know you can look at something else for five minutes, which gives you the motivation to keep going until the end of the twenty-five minutes.

There are a variety of apps for your mobile devices and desktop computers that will set timers for you and help you stay focused.

2+8 Prioritization Method

Similar to the Ivy Lee Method, the 2+8 Prioritization Method allows you to select two mandatory tasks and eight other tasks that you would like to complete the next day. The two mandatory tasks must be done no matter what. For the remaining eight tasks, you will do your best to complete them, but it would not be the end of the world if you cannot complete them.

The purpose of the 2+8 Prioritization Method is to focus your attention on what is important. That’s why you decide what should be added to your list the day before. This way, when the day starts, you will know exactly what you need to do and you won’t waste time trying to decide what to do.

All you need is ten minutes before the close of the day to look at your to-do list and choose your priorities for the next day based on the appointments you have and where you will be.