The most effective time management methods to be more productive.

NET (No Extra Time)

NET is a bit of a catch-all. But Tony Robbins, one of the world’s top business coaches, advocates this one. NET works because so much of our time is wasted every day waiting for something to happen. He encourages you to use this time to get work done.

For example, if you’re waiting for a meeting to start, you can respond to your email or process your inbox. You can respond to some of your Slack or Microsoft Teams messages or research ideas. Our cell phones have given us the ability to do a lot of the work where we used to need to be in a fixed location.

They are proven to work

All of these methods are simple and easy to adopt. You don’t need any fancy software or tools. For example, your calendar or a notes app will work just fine. They are also proven to work.

If you are looking for a simple way to increase your productivity and time management skills, then any of these seven time management methods will give you great results.