The Top 10 Fictional Athletes Everyone Wishes Were Real


Johnny Lawrence:

If this list was written in 1984, people would say it was crazy to cheer on Johnny Lawrence. This quintessential 80s bully was vilified in a few movies of that era; the most popular was The Karate Kid. Time was not kind to Johnny since this series that revived the movie now finds him living in a dinky apartment and drinking Coors Banquet Beer like it’s his job. However, the last few years have brought a renaissance for him, thanks to the show Cobra Kai. The world got to see Lawrence become a reluctant Mr. Miyagi. He encourages local youth to try their hand in the dojo. Viewers see his students gain confidence and self-respect thanks to their sensei. If Netflix is reading, here’s hoping that next season puts Lawrence and Kreese in the octagon to settle their differences.