The Top Celebrity Car Collections

150. Bill Gates

Size of Collection: 5
Est. Total Value: $1 million*

Billionaire Bill Gates could afford to own a thousand cars, but he’s kept his car collection in the single digits. Still, he has quite a few stunners, including three Porsches. Gates owns a Porsche 911 from 1979, a classic car that is hard to miss on the road.

Bill Gates ©Chesno@ / | carolenashcars /

Bill Gates ©Chesno@ / | carolenashcars /

He also owns a Porsche 959 Sport, as well as a Porsche Taycan, Ferrari 348, and Ford Focus, the latter of which might seem out of place next to the foreign luxury vehicles. However, the most expensive “vehicle” on this list isn’t a car at all—it’s a plane. Gates owns his own private jet, a Bombardier BD-700 Global Express worth $22-$36 million.