The Top Celebrity Car Collections

166. Larry Page

Size of Collection: 2
Est. Total Value: $220,000*

Larry Page is famous for being the co-founder of Google, along with Sergey Brin (who is also on this list). Page has a net worth of $121.4 billion, and he, like Brin, owns an electric vehicle. The Tesla Roadster has a base price of $200,000, and it is a fan-favorite among the rich and famous because it is both eco-friendly and luxurious.

Larry Page @voxdotcom /

Larry Page @voxdotcom /

Page also owns a Toyota Prius, which is an equally environmentally conscious vehicle. The environment is important to Page, who gave away $400 million in 2019 to a battery of causes, including sustainability and environmentalism. Driving electric cars is just another way he does his part.