The Top Celebrity Car Collections

170. Jack Ma

Size of Collection: 1
Est. Total Value: $25,000*

Billionaire Jack Ma takes after Warren Buffett when it comes to his lifestyle. Though he is one of the wealthiest people in China, Ma has made only a few splurge purchases, preferring instead to keep a frugal lifestyle. Ma has made his billions as the chair of the e-commerce site Alibaba. He also is the founder of Yunfeng Capital, an equity firm.

Jack Ma @AutoJoshNG /

Jack Ma @AutoJoshNG /

Though he’s worth $37.3 billion, you wouldn’t know it from his daily driver. Instead of a Lambo or Bentley, Ma drives a Roewe SUV that is worth an affordable $25,000. Roewe, for those in the States, is a Chinese vehicle marque that sells vehicles for under $40,000.