The Top Celebrity Car Collections

98. Harrison Ford

Size of Collection: 30-50*
Est. Total Value: $25-$50 million*

Harrison Ford has starred in some of the most famous franchises of all time, including Indiana Jones, Star Wars, and Blade Runner. As a result, he has a net worth of $300 million. He spends a chunk of that cash on his favorite hobby: collecting vintage cars, planes, and motorcycles.

Harrison Ford @minspys /

Harrison Ford @minspys /

The action star has around a dozen motorcycles, including a Triumph and several BMW bikes, Harleys, and Hondas. His vintage car collection includes a 1955 Jaguar XK140, which is painted forest-green and worth $150,000. Ford’s planes include a 1929 Waco Taperwing and a 1942 Ryan Aeronautical ST3KR. Since Ford has had his pilot’s license for around forty years, there’s no doubt that he takes his planes for a spin just as much as his bikes and cars.